COVID Safe requirements for Training this week

12 Oct 2021 by Peter Worthy

As everyone is aware, Qld moved to Stage 3 restrictions at 4pm last Friday. This is great news, but there are still some requirements.

One requirement that has been causing some confusion is around when we need to wear masks. Here’s a dot point summary of when you need to wear masks:

You must wear a face mask outdoors in impacted areas when you are unable to stay 1.5 metres away from people who are not from your household. You must also wear a face mask at public transport waiting areas or taxi ranks and in outdoor workplaces. Masks do not have to be worn if:
- you are seated
- you are alone or only with the members of your household
- you are eating or drinking
- you are entering or exiting a Sports Stadium (our training venue is NOT a sports stadium)
- you are participating in strenuous exercise
- it is unsafe to wear a mask.

You must wear a face mask at all times when you are indoors, including workplaces when you are unable to stay 1.5 metres away from people who are not from your household unless:
- you are seated
- you are at your residence
- you are eating or drinking
- you are participating in strenuous exercise
- you are a patron inside a hospitality venue such as a café or restaurant
- it is unsafe to wear a mask.

What this means for people coming to our training session is:
- Everyone must wear a mask while entering and exiting because it is likely you will not be able to maintain physical distance whilst doing so
- Everyone must wear a mask if you are standing and moving around the hall except for players whilst they are actively participating in training
- Coaches must wear a mask whilst coaching unless they are actively involved in a drill. However, you can temporarily remove your mask if it’s necessary to support communicating with players.
- Spectators can remove their mask inside the venue when they are seated.

These are the other relevant requirements:

1. Do not come if in the previous 14 days:
a. You have returned to Australia from overseas
b. Been in close contact with an active COVID-19 case
c. Been in a Qld declared COVID-19 hotspot, place of concern or exposure venue, as defined by Qld Health
2. Do not come if in the last 72 hours you have had fever, cough, sore throat, headache, distorted sense of taste, shortness of breath, chills, vomiting or any cold/flu like symptoms.
3. Everyone attending must check-in using the Qld Government Check in Qld App. If you aren’t able to use this app, please see an Easts staff member so they can help you.
4. You must sanitise your hands as you enter the venue and regularly whilst you are inside the venue. We will have hand sanitiser available.

Fairly sure everyone is pretty much used to these requirements now.

Thanks again for your co-operation!

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