COVIDSafe requirements from 4pm Friday 27 Aug - For all training activities

28 Aug 2021 by Peter Worthy

As everyone is aware, Qld eased restrictions from 4pm Friday 27 August. Here’s what we need to do for all training activities for the coming week:

**Density Limits – now 1 person per 2 sqm

For each court:
- 4 coaches/support PLUS
- 30 players PLUS
- 10 spectators
These limits are based on the spaces that people occupy during training, For example, even if there are only 20 players training on a court, spectators around that court are still limited to 10.

Spectators should maintain physical distancing as much as possible.

**Mask Wearing – no real difference to requirements in place last week

- Masks must be worn when entering or exiting the venue.
- Masks must be worn whilst indoors if you cannot maintain physical distance EXCEPT when you are actively involved in training i.e. actually doing the training.

Practically for coaches, this means that you must wear a mask if you are not actively participating in the training such as actually part of the drill. You can temporarily remove your mask if it’s making communication difficult.

**Other requirements

The following requirements still apply as usual:
1. Don’t come to training if you are unwell or have been to a hotspot, etc
2. Everyone must sanitise their hands on entry and regularly whilst they are at the venue
3. Everyone much check-in using the Qld Gov Check-in App (the person in charge of the activity will ensure that the QR Code is available AND be able to provide the business profile check-in to people who do not have a phone, data etc)
4. Coaches (with players assistance) must ensure that equipment is wiped down at the end of each session. For example, if there are two sessions with different people the equipment must be wiped down in between the two sessions.

Last week at Tuesday PVL training, we had an issue with some people getting access to the venue when a court was at the maximum density limit. They did this by getting people inside the venue to open the fire exit. They were confronted and warned. However, we can’t allow this sort of thing to happen in the future for the safety of everyone as well as to ensure that we follow the health directives. So as a heads up to everyone, if this sort of thing happens again we are going to have to take more serious action. We really hope that we don’t have to, so please help us by doing the right thing.

Thanks for everyone’s continued co-operation.

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